Monday, June 1, 2009

game time!! name that picture!

i've got a brilliant beyond brilliant idea!  let's play a daily game of "name that picture!"  the winner wins....nothing, but has fun anyways.  i've always thought it to be fun to figure out what a picture is when you are not quite sure.  it leaves it open for interpretation. so leave me your comments here or on my facebook...i will let my readers know what the actual picture is at some point in the near future after each posting.  gotta keep it mysterious!

what is it??

clearly, this is not part of the game.  i just thought it was a pretty cool shot. i took this back in april down by the coast guard station in narragansett. 

Saturday, May 30, 2009

bokeh is such an exotic word, don't you think?

what is this? perhaps its what the surface of the moon looks like? perhaps. however, the likelihood that i recently took a trip to the moon is highly unlikely.  

no matter how many times i go to the beach there are still amazing pictures left to be taken.  roger wheeler state beach is no exception. they call it sand hill cove for a reason, and if i had to guess what the moon looks like, i would guess it looks something like sand hill cove.  i love the angle at which i took this picture, and how it focused in and created some amazing bokeh in the corners (the out of focus parts of the picture).  thats the fun part about holding the camera and just snapping away without looking. its like christmas every time i look at the pictures i've taken!

ok, time for the beach...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

how did the gate know my name?

this gate spoke to me. it said " hey jen, take my picture." so i did.  and here you go...

that is how a photographer's mind works.  its so easy to find the beauty or creativity in the most random objects.  i never realized how much i love wrought iron gates, until i took this picture. but i think the neatest thing about this picture is that i didn't even look through the viewfinder. i just held the camera in a good enough spot, and it worked its magic.  no cropping. just all natural beauty.  so think about what speaks to you in life, and get back to me on that. i'd be interested to see in what others have to say. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

flowy curvy life

of all the pictures i took in d.c., this is definitely one of my favorites with its focused edges and perfect contrast.  the curves are a reminder that life is about going with the flow, and the flow might not always go where you want it to.  we can't always control where life will take us, but we can control our minds to go with the flow.  give up control, just is easier that way.

this, by the way, is a closeup of an ikea lamp

Sunday, February 22, 2009

summer...where are you?

this winter has been quite a winter with a snowstorm almost every week. at the rate we are going, kids around here will be in school until july! i recently spent a few minutes (yes, a few, much too short, minutes) on the boardwalk at the jersey shore which was a teaser - almost 50 degrees, sun shining, ocean smelling wind...for a brief second it was summer and all was right in my world. well, here is a teaser for all of you folks. we all need something to hold us over...

snow day!!!

after the last big snowstorm we had (one of many this winter!) jim and i went sledding with our niece and nephew - samantha and riley. well, he got in on the action while i stayed dry and documented everything! it was a lot of fun though, and of course, we finished the day with some hot chocolate and lots of marshmallows!!


uncle jim getting in on the action!

samantha and gina trying to make it up the hill!

riley slept through half of it

help me uncle jim!

riley's not too sure about this...

but poppa got him to agree to a sled ride

riley and mommy

introducing...maxton roy audette!!

i was fortunate enough to meet my cousin max when he was just two weeks old! he lives in new jersey, so i went down there to visit and took his newborn pictures. he is just the cutest thing, so precious, and i miss him so much! this was also my first newborn session. i couldn't wait to share these with all of you....

my absolute favorite picture...i think i know what he's
dreaming about...

daddy and max