Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

happy new year everyone!!! i hope you all had a great holiday season. i know i did, and as you can see, it has been a while since my last post. i have been so busy with school, work, holidays, and pictures. i have sooooooooo many pictures to catch up on, and will hopefully be posting them on here soon. i don't have any new years resolutions. however, i have goals, and one of them is to be more organized....we'll see how that goes...

anywhoooo, i wanted to take this opportunity to look back on 2008. if you told me a year ago that i would have my own photography business, i would have probably laughed at you (no offense). i didn't even have a camera. but then tax season came, which lucky for me coincides with my birthday, and voila! a brand new nikon d80 was in my possession. before i knew it i was doing photo sessions for family and friends, and thanks to them i built the confidence to start my own business: jennifer magill photography. although i have crazy busy life right now - i work full-time teaching my kiddos with autism and i'm working on my masters for social work - i love, love, LOVE spending my free time taking pictures. it is so fulfilling to see the beauty of life in everything and everyone i photograph, but not only that - i love making others happy with the pictures i take for them. it is so very special to be able to give that gift to others, and i am grateful to have the talent to be able to do that.
so THANK YOU - i thank each and every one of you who have made this possible, and trusted me enough to take pictures for you and your loved ones.
also, yay for being half way done with grad school, yay for having a fabulous new hairdooooo, and yay for having almost 1000 visitors on my blog. can you say EXCITING?!

here are some of my favorite pictures from 2008, with many many more to come in 2009...

and now for 2009...bring it on!! i hope you all have a very prosperous year and accomplish all of the goals you set forth from here. now, please excuse me while i go find my organizing planner. i know its around here some where....

jen :)

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