Friday, March 21, 2008

finding your passion

there have always been things i've loved to do as hobbies, but most of the time i would start something and quickly get bored with it. finding your passion is as simple as going inside yourself and finding things that make you happy. my passions have developed quite a bit over the past few years.

in essence, there are two things i am really passionate about. they are paper crafts (as you might already know), and photography. i have finally made the big jump into officially declaring photography as my hobby with the purchase of my new Nikon D80. it is just so amazing. i can't put it down. i need a vacation just to take tons of pictures! of course, i don't even pretend to know what all the buttons are for, and exactly how to use it, but that will come with time. i will be sharing awesome pictures as i take them, so you can get excited now! here are a few to start off with...

so, what's your passion?...

jennifer lynn

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