Sunday, March 30, 2008

sunday night...

i am just about to jump into bed in anticipation of the start of the workweek (yay). but i wanted to post real quick...

i have a ton of new pictures to post from the past couple of weeks. unfortunately, they will have to wait until i have a few extra moments, and it depends on if hubby will surrender the desktop from his final fantasy game.

second - i need to be the good little social worker that i am and post about politically correct terms. too often i hear words and phrases that are so politically incorrect it makes me want to bang my head against the wall. i think most of it has to do with people not knowing what poltically correct terms are, and therefore they don't use them. oh well, such is life. and that's what i'm here for! to educate anyone that happens to read my blog. so to bed i shall go, and stay tuned this week for some exciting new posts!

to a fabulous work week...(and two weeks till april vacation!)


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